Marcia Timmerman


Marcia Timmerman
123 456 7890


  • Teepa Snow
    Teepa Snow
    Dementia Trainer and Consultant

    Teepa is a leading trainer and consultant providing support and care that places the person living with dementia in a pivotal role when determining what is needed. Her goal is to help communities, agencies, organizations, professionals, families, and individuals develop the awareness, knowledge, and skills needed to better support and care for someone living with the brain changes of dementia. She is the owner and CEO of Positive Approach, LLC with over 40 employees or independent contractors across the US and Canada.

    Her approach to dementia care and training is changing how many view neurodegenerative conditions and dementias, and how care is delivered throughout the US, Canada, Wales, and across the UK and Europe. As an occupational therapist with forty years of clinical practice, she has founded a company and an approach to support and engage people experiencing changes in brain function.

    Teepa created the GEMS® States model for appreciating and supporting people as they progress through the brain changes of dementia. The GEMS model likens people to gemstones and focuses on supporting and fostering retained abilities by providing environmental and interaction cues. This allows us to match the needs, and provide necessary support, so that people can live well from the first symptoms until the end of life.


Jun 01 - 02 2019


This will be going all day.
8:00 am - 9:00 pm



All about Teepa Snow

Learn about Teepa Snow and her methods.

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Integer Marsala.

Integer malesuada risus vitae bibendum eleifend. Suspendisse luctus mauris in augue imperdiet, non faucibus elit varius. Nulla metus purus, varius ut posuere laoreet, rutrum non arcu. Integer eget consectetur velit. Nam tortor tortor, suscipit nec libero a, luctus faucibus nunc. Vivamus sed scelerisque ante, venenatis semper dui. Etiam eget posuere dolor, ut volutpat risus. Vestibulum laoreet, justo a posuere vehicula, est augue elementum quam, et molestie metus sapien malesuada ligula. Donec tincidunt ac dui id vulputate. Fusce ut lacus sodales lorem mollis vestibulum.


Hourly Schedule

Day 1

Getting to know everyone
Teepa Snow
Wrap up
Teepa Snow

Day 2

Day 2 Fun
Teepa Snow

Day 3

A Talk about day 3 stuff
John Mulder
Teepa Snow
Teepa Snow
Dementia Trainer and Consultant
Teepa is a leading trainer and consultant providing support and care that places the person living with dementia in a pivotal role when determining what is needed. Her goal is to help communities, agencies, organizations, professionals, families, and individuals develop the awareness, knowledge, and skills needed to better support and care for someone living with the brain changes of dementia. She is the owner and CEO of Positive Approach, LLC with over 40 employees or independent contractors across the US and Canada. Her approach to dementia care and training is changing how many view neurodegenerative conditions and dementias, and how care is delivered throughout the US, Canada, Wales, and across the UK and Europe. As an occupational therapist with forty years of clinical practice, she has founded a company and an approach to support and engage people experiencing changes in brain function. Teepa created the GEMS® States model for appreciating and supporting people as they progress through the brain changes of dementia. The GEMS model likens people to gemstones and focuses on supporting and fostering retained abilities by providing environmental and interaction cues. This allows us to match the needs, and provide necessary support, so that people can live well from the first symptoms until the end of life.
John Mulder
John Mulder